Special Interests
Medical anthropology, transnational im/migration, environmental anthropology, racialization and racism, gender and queer studies, the naturalization and normalization of social and health inequalities, symbolic violence, subjectivation, Latin America, the United States, and Europe
Seth M. Holmes is a cultural and medical anthropologist and physician whose work focuses broadly on social hierarchies, health inequalities, and the ways in which such asymmetries are naturalized, normalized, and resisted.
Books and Edited Volumes
Stonington S, Holmes SM, Hansen H, Greene J, Jenks A, Morse M, Wailoo K, Marmot M, Farmer P. “Case Studies in Social Medicine.” New England Journal of Medicine. 2018-2020.
Meierotto, L., Mares, T. & Holmes, SM. “Bienestar—the well-being of Latinx farmworkers in a time of change.” Agric Hum Values. 2020. 37(1).
*Castaneda H, *Holmes SM, *Kallius A, *MonterescuD. “Virtual Issue: Refugees and Im/migrants.” American Ethnologist. 2016. *Equal editorship, listed alphabetically.
Hansen H, Holmes SM, and Lindemann D, eds. “Special Issue: Ethnography of Health and Social Change.” Social Science & Medicine. 2013; Dec; 99.
Holmes, SM. Frutta Fresca, Corpi Spezzati: Migracioni, Razzismo e Braccianti Agricoli in America. Meltemi. Milan, Italy. In Press.
Holmes, SM. 2022. Frisches Früchte, Kapute Körper: Migration, Rassismus und Landarbeiter in Amerika. Transcript Verlag. Bielefeld, Germany.
Holmes, SM. 2019. Corpos Resistentes: Imigracão, Racismo e Trabalho Agrícola Nos EUA. Le Monde Diplomatique Edição Portuguesa, Outro Modo. Lisbon, Portugal.
Holmes, SM. 2016. Fruta Fresca, Cuerpos Marchitos: Trabajadores Agrícolas Migrantes en Estados Unidos y México. Editorial Abya Yala. Quito, Ecuador.
Selected Articles and Chapters
Hart LK., & Holmes SM. (2022). “Visibility, Invisibility and Solidarity: Sandrine Musso’s Legacy on Migration, Health and Social Difference” Anthropologie et Santé. https://doi.org/10.4000/anthropologiesante.11658
Martinez C, Carruth L, Janeway H, Quesada J, Holmes SM. (2022). “How Should Clinicians Express Solidarity WIth Asylum Seekers at the US-Mexico Border?” AMA Journal of Ethics. 24(4):E275-282. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2022.275.
Whitacre, R., Oni-Orisan, A., Gaber, N., Martinez, C., Buchbinder, L., Herd, D., & Holmes, S. M. (2021). “COVID-19 and the political geography of racialisation: Ethnographic cases in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Detroit.” Global public health, 1–15. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/17441692.2021.190839
Holmes, S., Castañeda, E., Geeraert, J., Castañeda, H., Probst, U., Zeldes, N., Willen, S., Dibba, Y., Frankfurter, R., Lie, A., Askjer, J., & Fjeld, H. (2021). "Deservingness: Migration and health in social context." BMJ Global Health, 6, e005107. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2021-005107
Martinez, C., Talavera, C., Magaña Lopez, M., & Holmes, S. M. "Anthropology of inequality & precarity." In SAGE Handbook for Cultural Anthropology, edited by Lene Pedersen and Lisa Cliggett, 2021; pp. 447-465. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publishing.
Harvey M, Holmes SM, Neff J, Knight KR, et al. “Structural competency and global health education.” Global Public Health. 2020 Dec:1-22. DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2020.1864751.
Whitacre RP, Buchbinder LS, Holmes SM. “The Pandemic Present.” Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale. 2020. doi:10.1111/1469-8676.12829
Shamasunder S, Holmes SM, Goronga T, Carrasco H, Katz E, Frankfurter R, Keshavjee S. “COVID-19 reveals weak health systems by design: Why we must re-make global health in this historic moment.” Global Public Health. 2020. doi:10.1111/1469-8676.12829
Magaña Lopez M, Holmes SM. “Raids on Immigrant Communities During the Pandemic Threaten the Country’s Public Health.” American Journal of Public Health. 2020. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.305704.
Holmes SM. “Commodification and Resistance: Asylum for Sale and Alternative Futures.” Asylum for Sale: Profit and Protest in the Migration Industry. Siobhán McGuirk and AdriennePine, Eds. PM Press. 2020.
Holmes SM, Hansen H, Jenks A, Stonington S, Morse M, Greene J, Wailoo K, Marmot M, Farmer P. “Misdiagnosis, Mistreatment and Harm – When Medical Care Ignores Social Forces.” N Engl J Med. 2020. 382(1): 1083-1086.
Mason K, Willen S, Holmes SM, Herd D, Nichter M, Castañeda H, Hansen H. “How Do You Build a ‘Culture of Health’? A Critical Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities from Medical Anthropology.” Population Health Management. 2020. DOI: 10.1089/pop.2019.0179
Neff J, Holmes SM, Knight K, Harvey M, Lewis B, Strong S. “Structural Competency: Interprofessional Medical Education Responding to the Needs of Structurally Vulnerable Populations.” MedEdPortal. 2020. doi: 10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10888.
Meierotto, L., Mares, T. & Holmes, SM. “Introduction to the symposium: Bienestar—the well-being of Latinx farmworkers in a time of change” Agric Hum Values. 2020. 37(1):187-196.
Holmes, SM. “Migrant farmworker injury: temporality, statistical representation, eventfulness.” Agric Hum Values. 2020. 37(1): 237-247.
Vonk L, Holmes SM. “Working to end farmworker oppression while listening to farmworkers and focusing on root causes in context.” Dialectical Anthropology. 2019; 43 (4), 393-396.
Martinez C, Holmes SM. “Health and Social Stratification.” Oxford Bibliography of Anthropology. Ed. John Jackson. Oxfordbibliographies.com. 2019.
Carrasco H, Messac L, Holmes SM. “Misrecognition and Critical Consciousness — An 18-Month-Old Boy with Pneumonia and Chronic Malnutrition.” N Engl J Med. 2019. 380:2385-2389.
Holmes SM. “Marking ‘Preemptive Suspects’: Migration, Bodies, and Exclusion.” Latin American Perspectives. 2019; 45, no. 6 2018: 30–36.
Seymour CK, Griffin C, Holmes SM, Martinez, C. “Structural Differential — A 32-Year-Old Man with Persistent Wrist Pain.” N Engl J Med 2018; 379:2385-2388.
Stonington, S, Holmes SM, Hansen H, Greene J, Wailoo K, Roberts D, Marmot M, Farmer P. “Case Studies in Social Medicine: Using Social Theory to Approach Health and Medicine.” New England Journal of Medicine. 2018; 379:1958-1961.
Selim, N, Abdullah M, Al Loulou L, Holmes SM, Ibiss M.* “Coming Together in Refugee Work: Experiment and Collaboration in Berlin.” Anthropology in Action. 2018. No. 3; 34-44. *Equal authorship, listed in alphabetical order.
Neff J, Knight K, Satterwhite S, Nelson N, Matthews J, Holmes SM. "Teaching Structure: A Qualitative Evaluation of a Structural Competency Training for Resident Physicians.” Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2017; 32:430-433.
Holmes SM, Karlin J, Stonington S, Gottheil D. “The First National Survey of MD/PhDs in the Social Sciences and Humanities.” BMC Medical Education. 2017; https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12909-017-0896-1
Holmes SM, Castaneda H. “Representing the "European Refugee Crisis" in Germany and Beyond: Deservingness, Difference, Life and Death.” American Ethnologist.2016; 43(1):1-13.
Holmes SM, Green, J, Stonington S. “Locating Global Health in Social Medicine.”Global Public Health. 2014: 13:9(5):475-80.