Emeriti Faculty A-M

Stanley H. Brandes

Professor Emeritus  |  Medical Anthropology, Sociocultural Anthropology

OFFICE: 309  Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall) 

EMAIL: brandes@berkeley.edu

Special Interests

Ritual and religion; food and drink; the anthropology of alcohol use; visual anthropology; and the cultural anthropology of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America (emphasis on Spain and Mexico).

Margaret W. Conkey

Professor Emerita |  Archaeology

OFFICE: 109 Archaeological Research Facility

EMAIL: meg@berkeley.edu

Special Interests

Prehistoric archaeology, hunter-gatherers, prehistoric art and symbolism, gender studies in archaeology; Old World, Southwestern Europe.

Terry Deacon

Terrence W. Deacon

Professor Emeritus  |  Biological Anthropology

OFFICE: 329 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

EMAIL: deacon@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

Special Interests

Brain development and evolution, origins of language, bio-cultural evolution, emergence.

Nicholas Dirks(link is external)

Professor  |  Sociocultural Anthropology

OFFICE: 3224 Dwinelle Hall

EMAIL: ndirks@berkeley.edu

Phyllis Dolhinow

Professor Emerita |  

Special Interests

Physical anthropology, primate social behavior, ecology, development, human behavior and evolution.

Nelson H. Graburn

Professor Emeritus |  Sociocultural Anthropology

OFFICE: 309 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

EMAIL: graburn@berkeley.edu

Special Interests

Ethnic arts, tourism, heritage, museums; multiculturalism, Inuit, Circumpolar peoples, China, Japan.

John A. Graham

Professor Emeritus |  Archaeology

EMAIL: jagraham001@gmail.com

Special Interests

Mesoamerican culture history, particularly Maya and Olmec archaeology and art, Maya epigraphy, history of archaeology.

Eugene A. Hammel

Professor Emeritus |  Sociocultural Anthropology

EMAIL: gene@demog.berkeley.edu

Special Interests

Social anthropology, statistical and formal analysis of social anthropological data, computer applications, peasant society and culture, demography; Europe.

Rosemary Joyce

Rosemary Joyce

Professor Emeritus| Archaeology

OFFICE: 207 Archaeological Research Facility

EMAIL: rajoyce@berkeley.edu

Special Interests

Materiality and the archaeology of inequality; gender, sex, and sexuality; cultural heritage policy; Central America and Mexico.

Patrick V. Kirch

Chancellor's Professor Emeritus |  Archaeology

The Department of Anthropology at UH Mānoa

EMAIL: kirch@hawaii.edu

Special Interests

Prehistory and ethnography of Oceania, ethnoarchaeology and settlement archaeology, prehistoric agricultural systems, cultural ecology and paleoenvironmentalism, ethnobotany and ethnoscience, development of complex societies in Oceania.

Image of Prof. Kent Lightfoot, Archaeology professor

Kent Lightfoot

Professor Emeritus |   Archaeology

OFFICE: 213 Archaeological Research Facility

LAB: 55 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

EMAIL: klightfoot@berkeley.edu

Special Interests

North American Archaeology with specialization in California, coastal hunter-gatherers, colonialism.

Donald S. Moore

Professor Emeritus | Sociocultural Anthropology 

EMAIL: dsmoore@berkeley.edu

Special Interests

Cultural politics; race, ethnicity, and identity; spatiality and power; governmentality; development; environment; postcolonial theory; Africa.