Faculty A-J

Sabrina C. AgarwalDepartment Chair

Professor |  Archaeology, Biological Anthropology

OFFICE: 212 Archaeological Research Facility

OFFICE HOURS: Email to make an appointment

EMAIL: agarwal@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail)

Special Interests

Bioarchaeology, biological anthropology, life course theory, bone biology, bone loss/osteoporosis, health and disease, inequality/structural violence, aging/growth/disability, paleopathology, bioethics.

Charles L. Briggs

Professor  |  Medical Anthropology, Sociocultural Anthropology, Folklore

Medical Anthropology Co-Director  

OFFICE: 307 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday, 2:30-5:00PM
                            Email to make an appointment

EMAIL: clbriggs@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

Special Interests

Social/cultural anthropology, especially as relating to linguistic and medical anthropology, narrative, media and mediatization, folklore and performance, racialization, and violence.

Lawrence Cohen

Professor  |  Medical Anthropology, Sociocultural Anthropology

Medical Anthropology Co-Director; Head Graduate Advisor for Medical Anthropology

OFFICE: 319 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

                            Mondays 8:00 AM -11:00 AM

EMAIL: cohen@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

Special Interests

Social Cultural Anthropology, Medical and Psychiatric Anthropology, Critical Gerontology, Lesbian and Gay Studies and Feminist and Queer Theory.

Mariane C. Ferme

Professor  |  Sociocultural Anthropology

Curator of African Ethnology for Hearst Museum of Anthropology

Sociocultural House Head

OFFICE: 317 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

OFFICE HOURS: Thursdays between 11 am - noon, or  5-6PM 

EMAIL: mcf@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

Special Interests

West Africa and Sierra Leone; sociocultural theory and methods; history of anthropology; the political imagination; access to justice and transitional justice institutions; materiality; rural livelihoods.

Daniel Fisher

Associate Professor  |  Sociocultural Anthropology

OFFICE: 309 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

OFFICE HOURS: by appointment

EMAIL: dtfisher@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

Special Interests

Social Cultural Anthropology; Sound; Music; Photography and Cinema; Fire; Ecologies of the Urban; Climate Change; Australia.

Image of Dr. Daena Funahashi, Socio-cultural Anthropology professor

Daena Funahashi

Assistant Professor  |  Medical Anthropology, Sociocultural Anthropology

OFFICE: 205 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

OFFICE HOURS: Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm; only through confirmation by email

EMAIL: funahashi@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

 Special Interests

Cultural Anthropology; Medical Anthropology; Continental Philosophy; Sacrifice; Addiction; Ethnographic Writing; Scientific Authority; Political economy; Theories of Negativity; Southeast Asia (Thailand), Nordic welfare (Finland)

Junko Habu

Professor  |  Archaeology

Head Graduate Advisor for Archaeology

OFFICE: 208 Archaeological Research Facility

OFFICE HOURS: Thursdays 5:00 - 6:00 PM (208 ARF) 

                             Fridays 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (314 Anthropology and Art Practice                                   Building)

LAB: 314 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

EMAIL: habu@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

Special Interests

Archaeology and anthropology of hunter-gatherers and small-scale societies; human-environmental dynamics; sedentism; landscape archaeology; sociopolitics of archaeology; climate change; local and global environmental issues; Japan, East Asia and the North Pacific Rim.

William F. Hanks

Professor  |  Sociocultural Anthropology

OFFICE: 315 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

EMAIL: wfhanks@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)


                            Sign up sheet by door gets posted Thu at 12:30 for following                                  week

Special Interests

Maya culture, language in culture, discourse, cognition and communication, shamanism, the logic of anthropological inquiry, anthropology of literature.

Christine Hastorf

Professor  |   Archaeology

OFFICE: 215 Archaeological Research Facility

LAB: 65 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday, Thursay: 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm 65 Anthropology and                                   Art Practice Building.

                             Or by Appointment (email me to set up a meeting) 

EMAIL: hastorf@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

Special Interests

Food and agriculture, archaeology, political complexity, gender, paleoethnobotany; Andes.

Cori Hayden

Professor | Medical Anthropology, Sociocultural Anthropology

OFFICE: 305 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

OFFICE HOURS: Students may email me for the link to the sign-up sheet

                             Mondays 10am-12pm, in person in room AAPB 305

EMAIL: cphayden@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

Special Interests

Anthropology of science, technology, and medicine; Latin America (particularly Mexico); post-colonial science studies; kinship, gender, and queer studies.

Charles Hirschkind

 Professor | Sociocultural Anthropology

OFFICE: 207 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays 10:00AM - 12:00PM

EMAIL: chirschk@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

Special Interests

Religion, anthropology of the senses, media theory, language and performance, Islam and the Middle East.

James Holston

Professor  |  Sociocultural Anthropology

OFFICE: 311 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall)

OFFICE HOURS: Monday 10:30am - 12:00pm or By Appointment

                             Sign-up for office hours at this link:
                             https://www.wejoinin.com/jholston@berkeley.edu(link is external)

EMAIL: jholston@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

Special Interests

Citizenship; democracy; political theory; cities and urban ethnography; software platforms for democratic assembly; Brazil, the Americas.