History of Anthropology

Laura Nader

Contact OFFICE: 313 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formely Known As Kroeber Hall) E-MAIL: lanad@berkeley.edu PHONE: 510-642-1218 OFFICE HOURS Wednesdays 9:00AM - 2:00PM Office hours are posted outside of my office door each semester.

Xin Liu

Contact OFFICE: 301 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formely Known As Kroeber Hall) E-MAIL: xinliu@berkeley.edu PHONE: 510 858 5173 OFFICE HOURS: Wednesdays 12:00PM - 2:00PM

Mariane C. Ferme

Contact OFFICE: 317 Anthropology and Art Practice Building (Formely Known As Kroeber Hall) E-MAIL: mcf@berkeley.edu OFFICE HOURS: During the Spring 2024 semester, Prof. Ferme's Office hours will be Thursdays between 11 am - noon, or 5-6PM in room AAPB.

Donald S. Moore

Contact OFFICE: 331 AAPB (Formerly Known As Kroeber Hall) E-MAIL: dsmoore@berkeley.edu PHONE: 642-8357 Please sign up using the sheet posted on the office door.

A Conversation with Anand Pandian '04

In this conversation, Anand Pandian, Professor and Department Chair of Anthropology at Johns Hopkins University and alumnus of the Department of Anthropology at UC Berkeley, and PhD student Justin Greene speak about ecologies, ethnographies, and anthropological educations.


Justin Greene: You started out at Berkeley not in anthropology, I believe, but in Environmental Studies?

Anand Pandian: I was admitted into a program in the College of Natural Resources called Environmental Science, Policy, and Management [ESPM]. I spent two years...

Saba Mahmood

Contact OFFICE: 117 Kroeber E-MAIL: smahmood@berkeley.edu PHONE: 664-4497 OFFICE HOURS: On sabbatical Please sign up on the sheet posted at the door of my office to schedule a meeting time with me in advance.