112: Special Topics in Biological Anthropology: Forensic Anthropology


Term: Summer 2019 SessionD

TimeM, T, W, Th 12:00pm - 1:59pm

Forensic anthropology has seen a lot of exposure through popular television, shows like CSI, Bones, and Law and Order. Have you ever wondered how much of what you were seeing was real? How much can we learn about a person’s life and death from their body/skeleton? This course is designed as an introductory class for students interested in demystifying and getting to know the real forensic anthropology - a sub-field which applies many of the methods of biological anthropology to the discovery, excavation, and identification of human remains in a medico-legal context. This class will explore the key methods that are used in the identification of individuals, trauma assessment, and the broader ethical roles and responsibilities of forensic anthropologists.

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