169C: Research Theory and Methods in Linguistic Anthropology

Research Theory and Methods in Linguistic Anthropology

Instructor: William F Hanks

Term: Spring 2019

Time: Tu, Th 11:00 am - 12:29 pm

Units: 4

Course Number: 30227

This course provides an introduction to selected theories and methods in Linguistic Anthropology, with a focus on topics of relevance to ethnographic fieldwork. Readings and lectures are organized into three modules: Linguistic categories and their consequences for thought, the effects of social context on meaning, and the empirical basis of research on language.

Course Description: 

This course provides an intensive introduction to selected theories and methods in Linguistic Anthropology. The primary aim is to familiarize students with core approaches to language in social context and basic research methods in Linguistic Anthropology. It has two parts: (1) the sequence of readings, including close attention to the methods and evidence on which they draw, and (2) a field practicum in which students will observe language in an actual social setting, and produce field notes guided by questions that we will discuss at length.