The Noosphere at 100: The Future of Human Collective Consciousness


The Noosphere at 100:

The Future of Human Collective Consciousness 

November 17-19, 2023

University of California, Berkeley

We are pleased to announce the N2 Conference, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the identification of the noosphere - the evolving realm of global collective consciousness, intelligence, mind, or noos - and to invite broad participation.
N2  | The Noosphere at 100: The Future of Human Collective Consciousness is an international, interdisciplinary conference fostering creative collaboration for intentionally and ethically steering the future evolution of the noosphere. N2celebrates this anniversary and looks to the future, bringing together leading scientists, scholars from across the disciplines, thought leaders, creative artists, and all those who are interested in the meaning and possibility of the noosphere for our collective future. 

Featured speakers at the 3-day conference includePhilip Beesley, Johan Bollen, Anne Clin, John Cressler, Terrence Deacon, Ilia Delio, Ben Goertzel, Francis Heylighten, Kevin Kelly, Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Jaron Lanier, Wolfgang Leidhold, Raphael Liogier, Louis Savary, Gregory Stock, Brian Thomas Swimme, David Sloan Wilson, and others.

We welcome all those interested in the noosphere and the promise of human collective consciousness to attend, and we invite proposals for papers, panels, and posters for in-person current sessions that speak to the conference themes, outlined in the Call for Proposals.  More information is available on the conference websiteand all propoals must be submitted through the website's online portal. N2 will be an in-person event, at UC Berkeley's beautiful, historic International House. Keynotes and selected featured presentations will also be livestreamed.

The N2  Conference is sponsored by Human Energy, a non-profit research, media, and educational organization, in partnership with The Department of Anthropology at University of California, Berkeley, Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business, Saint Mary’s College of California School of Liberal Arts, the International Humanistic Management Association, The Boundaries of Humanity project at Stanford University, the Institute of Advanced Studies at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, ProSocial World, the Center for Christogenesis, and the Center Leo Apostel for Transdisciplinary Research at Vrije Universiteit Brussel.