Unnaming of Kroeber Hall

November 9, 2020

The anthropology department has held discussions around the unnaming of Kroeber Hall and around the university's lack of compliance with CalNAGPRA. Wanting to extend these discussions beyond the department, anthropology graduate students, in consultation with indigenous members of the campus community, drafted two resolutions that were introduced to the UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly. On November 5 the Graduate Assembly approved these resolutions and took the official position in support of unnaming Kroeber Hall based on his harmful legacy to local indigenous communities. Furthermore, the GA took the official position of calling for UC Berkeley to comply with federal and state law and to repatriate the hundreds of thousands of indigenous ancestors and artifacts held by UC Berkeley at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum. For more information and for a more detailed description of the stands and actions taken by the GA, see Resolution 2011B (Unnaming Kroeber) and Resolution 2011C (NAGPRA compliance), as approved.