Congratulations to Mario Alberto Castillo

November 6, 2020

We want to congratulate one of Archaeology Graduate Students, Mario Alberto Castillo for being awarded the UC President's Pre-Professoriate Fellowship from The University of California's Hispanic Serving Institution Doctoral Diversity Initiative. 

This is what Mario had to say about why their Pre-Fellowship promotes diversity and inclusion in Academia. 

"This year I was awarded the UC President's Pre-Professoriate Fellowship from University of California's Hispanic Serving Institution Doctoral Diversity Initiative (UC-HSI DDI) for the 2020-2021 academic year. The UCOP recently established the UC-HSI DDI to enhance faculty diversity and pathways to the professoriate for graduate students who are alumni of California Hispanice Serving Institutions (HSIs). As a UC-President's Pre-Professoriate Fellow I have been recognized as an exceptional scholar with a demonstrated track record of promoting diversity and inclusion. During my fellowship tenure, I will be writing my dissertation tentatively titled Perspectival Anthropology in Rural Mexico which is a detailed historical analysis of agrarian reform in southwestern Querétaro while at the same time an example of anthropology defined as the theory/practice of ontological auto-determination and the permanent decolonization of thought. In addition, I will be leading a team of undergraduate research apprentices in a digital historical anthropology project which grew out of fieldwork in Querétaro. "

Again Congratulations Mario!