"Theory in Action: Violence in the Margins" available to view online

February 8, 2016
Date/Time:  Monday, February 8, 2016 - 11:00
Violence at the Urban Margins (Oxford University Press, 2015) brings together scholars across disciplines working on a perplexing question. How did Latin America emerge from decades of extreme violence — revolutionary, counter-insurgency, and military state — at the end of the 20th century only to plunge into a cauldron of delinquent, criminal, interpersonal, and political state/para-state violence under democratic regimes? These scholars recently convened for an event at the Institute for the Study of Societal Issues. A video of this event is now available online, featuring talks by:
Javier Auyero, Professor of Latin American Sociology, University of Texas, Austin 
Philippe Bourgois, Professor of Anthropology and Family and Community Medicine, University of Pennsylvania 
Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Professor of Medical Anthropology, UC Berkeley 
James Quesada, Professor of Anthropology, San Francisco State University, as moderator and discussant

The event was sponsored by Berkeley Center for Social Medicine, Medical Anthropology, UC Berkeley-UCSF Critical Social Medicine Working Group, Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice, and Center for Latin American Studies

Click here to view the video.